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PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good News2.

Posted: May 10th, 2011, 2:50 pm
by stillgolfing
THE BAD NEWS: PGA2000: I still find (playing standard 3 click) the meter bar travels way too fast to achieve any kind of control over short chips and putts. Consequently, short puts 10 ft and under, and short chips (40 ft and under) are just click, click, click (as fast as possible) and then I just hope and pray the end result is somewhere around the hole. :/
THE GOOD NEWS1: When I go back and play Links2003, once I've played a couple of holes and got my timing back I'm tearing up the courses like never before. Initially on the full swing I'm way, way, way too quick; so I'm hitting short duck hooks and when using the short putting meter I have to remember to pour myself a drink and check my e-mails between clicks, which turns out to be an extra special perk I was unaware of previously. ;)
THE GOOD NEWS2: Links2003 is a lot easier to play and a lot more fun than before!
Thanks, Dave :up:

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 10th, 2011, 5:20 pm
by A Brandt
Dave, I'd have to say your troubles with the swing meter are only because of your computer setup, not the game itself. I've tinkered with Links now and again, and I find that the swing meter in that game is too quick compared with PGA. There's gotta be a reason for the quick meter on your end, but I assure you it's not the game.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 10th, 2011, 5:30 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Good luck. Have fun.

I really don't understand what the problem is. I've used 2K on 2 different computers and the meter speed has been the same on each. I can feather a 10' long 2'-downhill putt and have it stop within a foot of the cup if it misses. I've left 4'-ers short. In fact just about everything you're complaining about (meter speed) is exactly why I stopped playing Links, especially after I bought the '01 edition and read in the game book that they'd actually SPED UP the clicking wheel.

But, whatever you're happy with. I've got over a gig of game, courses and libes for PGA and it more than satisfies my cybergolf fix.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 10th, 2011, 7:48 pm
by stillgolfing
Indy Anna Jones wrote:Good luck. Have fun. Cya later.
No sense of humour - eh :shrug: ! Hey, I've taken the time to show up here and comment, and was hoping there was a solution to this fast click issue when putting and chipping. I have no problem hitting it in the centre of the fairway on the full swing, and I'm usually on or around the greens on my approaches, but to be faced with an average of 4 putts or several chips and several putts per green because the swing meter works exactly the same for chips and putts as it does for the full swing can't be correct. It's the equivant of always having to hit your driver 40 yds. Surely even the best of the PGA2000 group would not find that easy (that's a very fast click, click, click). I originally noted this problem in an earlier, sort of general list of issues, which could have been my mistake as sometimes things get lost in lists.
I'm not knocking the courses or the designers; so far I'm really impressed with what I have seen, but it's no fun if you can't play them. I'm finding the PGA2000 short game incredibly difficult. As a further example I was playing Muirfield today and was impressed with the course, but on #7 I had to hit a shot from the rough over a bunker to a short pin from 30 yds. If this was a Links shot I would deletete the chipping club selected and deferred to a standard a lob wedge (80 yds) and then hit it 45% (that's a touch too long on basic distance but I have to allow for the rough) so the end result (if I hit my selected clicks) should be close. In PGA2000 there did not seem to be any solution to the shots I was faced with during my many efforts to try to get the ball on the green in the noted situation. Since I couldn't find out how to deselect the chip and choose a full club, I decided initially that (chipping) a flopped full sandwedge would suffice and although I hit it perfect it only went 10 ft. After that I just kept experimenting, hoping I might come up with a solution, but no luck. I never did get the ball on the green and after 14 tries I just gave up. Again as I have previously mentioned this struggle is improving my other game, but I would prefer it wasn't!
Cheers, Dave

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 10th, 2011, 8:13 pm
by sandwedge

I don't see cya later in Judy's post :shrug: I also don't think anyone here feels that way - just the problems you seem to be having are not ones we have experienced ourselves. I have had this game work on every operating system from Windows 98 to Windows 7 without any of the glitches you are having happen. I feel bad for you and I hope you can get things worked out. :) As to Links - it is a nice game with some fine folks who play it - some of whom also enjoy our game of choice. I hope that we can keep it that way - please don't misunderstand - the folks here will and do help when they can, but the issues you are having do seem to be with your computer? and maybe not just a result of the game itself.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 11th, 2011, 2:52 am
by Polslad
Have you tried 'Tru-swing'?

That's the way I play. It lets you develop your touch around the greens and putting, and mirrors incorrect swing planes on full shots, resulting in draws, fades, hooks & slices.
Closest you get to real play sat at a desk!
I'm not knocking the clickers (but I am) but it seems to me that some have converted the game into a mathematical exercise, they dial in the numbers and then shoot really low scores that destroy courses.
It's only a game though, what ever gives you pleasure is the object of the hobby.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 11th, 2011, 5:44 am
by Stan Nehilla
stillgolfing, Don't give up.

I have arthritis and it is painful for me to use Tru-Swing. My wrist will become very painful in a short time.
I click and found that it took much practice to chip & putt effectively.
You'll get better over time.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 11th, 2011, 6:03 am
by Indy Anna Jones
I did say cya later, but edited it because it sounded rude... and it was, my apologies.

To be honest, some of your comments and posts over the past several days have been beginning to sound like PGA2K bashing and Links building. If I'm wrong, once again my apologies. Personally I thought Links a beautiful game with lovely well-designed courses, superb graphics, excellent features (like the 20 or so different types of way you can play it,) much better AI, colored gridlines easily viewable (especially compared to our yellow ones that tend to blend into lighter greens)... but a lightning fast, very unforgiving swing meter that stopped me from getting beyond the beginner level and not even enjoying that.

As I posted on Saturday or Sunday, with the problems you're describing it sounds like you're doing something seriously wrong or there's a problem with how PGA is playing with your computer setup. In all the time I played online on WON... literally hundreds if not thousands of games... and on Kali I've never heard anyone complain about a fast click meter until now, which again leads me to believe it's an isolated problem, and I have no idea for a solution. A guy named Chas had a PGA website which allowed downloading the complete game but there was a glitch in his version. I don't know of anyone else who has dl'd it from here that might be having some problem with our version. Now I can agree it's fast when you have a short chip; I've (sort of) resolved that by using my LW, but chipping is a weakness for me... always has been, always will be.

I'm sorry you're having problems I (and it seems we) have no idea how to fix. I'm glad you're playing better on Links now. Whether you try to resolve those problems or go back to playing Links, I wish you well and enjoyment in your game. In a year, God willing, we'll still be here playing our beloved game.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 11th, 2011, 6:08 am
by Robert@
Patientence... some things take time to master.
Look if you fired up the game and started shooting under par your 2nd time out where is the challenge? Just about every golf game ever made has the click method. I may upset many but if your clicking using this game then you have ignored what is best about this game( exceptions like Stans and others for medical reasons are of course understandable). Its why EA drew headgate away from PGA for the true swing which imitates a real golf swing. Its hard but golf is hard. Anyone that has stepped onto a course and tee`d it up will tell you there are a thousand things that effect a golf swing and the ball your hitting. Its why people play over and over again,you can always improve,but it takes time. Same for this game. If just shooting low scores is the only enjoyment you get from this game,then cheat. Use a straight edge ,or a mouse program that only allows you to move the mouse in a straight line, recreate your player every 9 holes,whatever. Or perhaps you could set your player for a less advanced setting then max to slow down the meter for you,but most ego`s wont allow this,as everyone plays from the tourney tees and advanced abilty no matter how long they have played.
I wouldnt care if I shot +20 on every course,shooting well is desired but for me its not at all cost. I prefer to adjust and compensate for whatever short falls this game may provide with creative shot making and skill i have learned over the years. I have played real golf for alomost 40 years now and have never shot under par..or par for that matter. Doesnt mean i would stop playing to do something that was easier,or score myself better then what i actually shot .
So if its just low scores that make you happy and not the challenges golf and this game can provide then yes there are other things one can do. But if you love golf and all that goes with it...well then your already in the right place.
Stick around Dave and I promise it will get easier and your scores will come down, try trueswing,you may play worse then you do now ,but in the long run you will find that good shots are much more satisfying and rewarding.
Sorry clickers and re-creators if i offend but this is my opinion,of your course yours will vary.

Re: PGA2000 -The Bad News and the Good News1 and the Good Ne

Posted: May 11th, 2011, 8:14 am
by A Brandt
stillgolfing wrote:Since I couldn't find out how to deselect the chip and choose a full club,
Hit the C key to selece/deselect chipping. Hit the B key to select/deselect sand blast. There are a lot of hotkeys you can use, most of which you will find in the drop down menus at the top of the screen.