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Seasons by Robert@

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 9:18 am
by spencerturner
I have the upmost respect for Robert's design skills but I seldom keep them for any length of time except for one; Seasons. I just played it again for the umpteenth time and it always seems like I am playing it for the first time. Cleaver layout, well placed bunkers and water features. You must place your shots in order to shoot well. If there is still anyone out there who has not played it , I encourage you to do so. I dont have an "A" list but if I did this would be at the top of the list. Well done Robert@ and thank you. Spencer.

PS: great club house at the 18th.

Re: Seasons by Robert@

Posted: November 26th, 2010, 8:57 pm
by SteveHorn
I'll have to download that one and give it a go. Have many Robert@ courses but missed that one.

Re: Seasons by Robert@

Posted: November 27th, 2010, 5:16 pm
by Robert@
One of my favorites, thx for the kind words...geez its been quite some time since i had 2 courses reviewed at the same time.


Re: Seasons by Robert@

Posted: October 15th, 2011, 10:14 pm
by Parrothead
Have downloaded and played this one, love the colours, perfect for this time of year.

Re: Seasons by Robert@

Posted: March 7th, 2012, 11:02 am
by stillgolfing
Robert@ wrote:One of my favorites, thx for the kind words...geez its been quite some time since i had 2 courses reviewed at the same time.

Thanks for designing this wonderful course. It is my favorite so far. I am fairly new here (played about 100 courses to date) and also I mainly play Links 2007 (Mod 1.07 - added many improvements and features including support for Wide Screen monitors). Many new HD courses, with new 1024x1024 textures have been released lately, so it's hard to keep up with both sites. However, I enjoy PGA 2000 also, and try to drop by weekly and check out the newer courses, download the popular ones, and read some posts.
I was wondering what settings you were using when you took those screen shots? The reason I ask is, I had posted on a problem previously where on a number of courses some "objects?", mainly trees bushes and plants, seemed to have an oversharpened effect. This has been difficut to resolve as I didn't have anything to compare my screen views with. Now that you have posted thes pics I can see what the look should be, and possible if I can match your in game graphic settings I can solve the problem.
Cheers, Dave

Re: Seasons by Robert@

Posted: March 18th, 2012, 11:55 am
by Robert@
Thanks Dave ,and very happy your enjoying the course.

As for screen settings i have changed nothing to take these screen shots. The wide angle portion is simply cut out from a saved screenshot while playing the course. As for the sharpness with some trees and bushes I have found the same problem with some librarys. My fix?...I try not to use those. Doesnt help much,but thats all I really have done.
However in the game my screen settings are all set to max. I find looking past a hole and seeing other parts of the course gives it a more real like feeling. 750 yards is max,but theres been times i wish it was more.

Re: Seasons by Robert@

Posted: March 18th, 2012, 12:19 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Dave, I would say that part of the graphics problem (ie, "sharp" objects) is simply the progress made in graphics over the decade since PGA was released. I find the problem more often with libes created over the past couple of years vs those made 2000-05 or so. I guess it's like watching a blu-ray dvd on a 1995 color console tv, maybe?